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Hello and welcome. I am an artist - oil painter and writer. I channel Ma'at Sekhem and Quan Yin frequencies, basically from the Central Sun, the Universal Life Force or 'God' energy, if you prefer. We live in a sea of energy; it is this that connects us and this electro magnetic energy that we emit. These originate from beyond our planet and are pre-ancient Egypt/Kemet, and Atlantis. Ma'at Sekhem means 'the power of the light of truth', referring to inner truth as well as the truth of our Human existence - we are All a part of 'God', fragments or aspects of the Creator energy. My art work is a vehicle for these healing energies and supportive messages internally received. I am a member of the LALE programme, the first of 33 package programmes given to this planet by our Elder Brothers/Sisters ('Ascended Masters'). My role is as one of many disseminators of many uplifting and educational messages given since the 1980s to the one formerly known as Rumi, now living here as Mevlana. See website: The Knowledge Book for further information. We exist to add to the effort of Unification on the planet. The information about my role was given to me by my guides during meditation in 2019, having joined the group in London in the summer of 2018.

My images and writings are specifically designed to carry particular frequencies for Awakening, healing, promote unconditional love, and inner peace in these increasingly stressful and challenging times on the World planet. We hope you may find something to soothe or give comfort here. Commissions considered. 

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"Beautiful painting, very lifelike. Colours are very vibrant, excellent quality."
Habiba. Sitting Bull art print, via 2022

© Chloe Shalini 2024
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