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'Awakening the Divine Feminine and Masculine' - referring to the rebalancing of these energies within us all - this project began development in 2009 when I also began healing work as a practitioner of Ma'at Sekhem, but did not fully take shape until 2016. It is only now, in 2024, that I have the time to focus upon it fully. It is based upon the ancient Egyptian god-goddesses, who are in turn based upon far older wisdom from the times of Atlantis, a vast empire from which many of our wisdom traditions/ancient religions stems. The reason I have included my images of Mary, Mary Magdalene and Jesus/Yeshua is because they too have links to this ancient wisdom and were involved with the Egyptian mystery schools. What Humanity has sort to divide actually all stems from the same source.
These images are archetypes, designed to help us self-reflect and step into increasingly authentic expressions of ourselves. Fundamentally it is about 'becoming a Genuine Human'. Many of us live as automatons, leading lives prescribed by our societies, families, cultures; we often have no idea of who we really are.
The term 'god' simply means a creative being - we are all creative beings and my intention is to assist others in uncovering their inner creativity by providing these images and associated guidance messages. As the channelled being Seth says:
"the attributes of the gods are inherent within the human".
(see 'The Seth Material', Jane Roberts, with Robert Butts)
This series is accompanied by guidance messages which will become a set of oracle cards in the future.
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